Supporting your Neurodiversity Inclusion efforts

Our services

Awareness Training

Building a shared understanding of Neurodiversity, common terms and language and improving everyone’s ability to relate is an important first step. Suitable for large groups or town halls or just a team. We keep it light on technical details, and high on engaging and relatable content and stories to make understanding come to life.

Psychological Safety

High performing teams rely heavily on a safe and supportive environment. Getting everyone into a place of trust, openness and encouragement will make it easier for people to self advocate for the support they need. Your teams will also stretch further and performance can really grow. Psychological safety is key to that.

Workplace Adjustments

Whether it’s about supporting someone new, existing team members, or just to improve your appreciation of what a Neurodivergent friendly workplace looks like. We’ll take you through a range of versatile strategies and options that your whole team will benefit from. Though any Neurodivergent team members will love you for it!

Inclusive Communication

Not everyone will hear every message the same way. Sometimes people need a different approach when it comes to sharing information with them. Some people want to contribute ideas and process information differently. We’ll help you take a new perspective on these differences and learn how to harness that and help your whole team thrive. Communicating effectively and inclusively is the cornerstone of inclusion of Neurodiversity.  

“Engaging, authentic, insightful. For me it was about communication. I can now appreciate everyone's strengths and what they bring to the table.”


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.